Wednesday 20 June 2012

Under pressure at work? Tips to be healthy and happy :)

I stumbled across an article this morning on the CIPD website that talks about how to stay healthy and happy at work even if you are under a lot of pressure. 

Recruitment can be a very fast-paced, competitive and high-pressure occupation. (It's also extremely rewarding and exciting!) In addition to Recruitment, there are many more jobs out there that involve pressure or even sometimes a bit of stress. But it is important to balance that with some healthy practices in order to stay happy and productive at work. 

I've spoken a bit about the importance of health and fitness recently, and how it can improve your performance at work. Well, CIPD agree with me. In their recent article, they indicate that "evidence suggests that exercise can have a positive effect on managing and reducing stress and improving well-being." 

One thing they suggest is making your travel to work more active (if you can) by doing the following: 
  • Get off the bus or train one stop earlier and walk the final part of your journey. If you drive, park further away than usual 
  • Take the stairs instead of lifts or escalators 
  • Cycle to work if you can - saves you money on fares of fuel, and it's a great stress reliever!
They also suggest breaking up your day at work so that you are spending too much time sitting at your desk or doing repetitive tasks - things that can contribute to back, neck and arm pain among other health problems. Moving and stretching regularly can help you think more clearly and be more efficient. 
  • Take all your breaks away from your work station. Go for walks at lunchtime, or sign up fora  class like aerobics. 
  • Don't skip meals and do drink water regularly. 
  • Sit to the front of your chair, rotate your upper body to the right, holding on to the backrest of your seat with your left hand. Hold for 5 seconds and swap sides 
  • Hold your hands together loosely behind your neck and stretch your elbows back so you can feel the pull on your shoulder blades. Hold for 5 seconds. 

Click here for more tips and information!

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