Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Do you take work to bed with you?

With advanced technology, we can now do work from pretty much anywhere in the world. With laptops, remote logins, VPN's and Smartphones, it's easy to check in with colleagues and respond to emails from even the most remote areas of the globe. 

While this is of course has created more efficient ways of doing business around the world, it may also be affecting aspects of our personal lives. 

The easy ability to access our work remotely has caused more and more people to now take their work into bed with them - literally. I recently came across an article that outlined a survey done by a 
mobile tech company Good Technology, and I found the results to be appalling. 

The survey found that half of the adult office workers they polled responded to work e-mails beneath the sheets. Another survey, completed by Infosecurity Europe in London, found that 70 per cent of the workers they asked spent at least half an hour a day working in bed. 

Forget the physical affects (kinked neck, anyone?), think about the affect this can have on your relationships and also your own well-being!

Susan Gregory,  a Toronto-based productivity expert and corporate trainer suggests: turn off technology an hour before bed and keep the office out of the sheets. “Have a set place (to work) because you’re going to be more efficient, compared to bed where it’s a place for rest and some other activities.” 

More and more companies are stressing the importance of work-life balance, but at the same time, more and more employees are going in the opposite direction! 

Is it really possible to find that elusive balance? 

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