Monday, 7 January 2013

Buddy up!

Ok, so you after all the over-indulgences of the festive holidays you made a promise to yourself to get healthier.  Yes – we’ve all been there and probably quite a few of us have seen their resolve dissolve after a few short months, weeks or days.  One way to help you stick to your plan to be more active is to buddy up!

Your buddy can be a friend, work colleague, parent or sibling, in fact, anyone who can help motivate you and who you think you can encourage in return.  Here are a few easy suggestions to get you moving.

Try a new exercise class!  There is something for everyone in Cayman, including cross fit, spin, zumba, group power, yoga and pilates.... the list goes on.  By agreeing to go to a class with someone you are less likely to back out as you won’t want to let them down.   It’s a great way to try something new and meet new people or get to know existing friends/colleagues better.   What’s more having a friend with you will help you feel more confident when challenged with a new situation.  If that’s not your thing, you could try a dance classes such as salsa, ballroom, street dance, or a martial arts/self-defense class.  Again, these activities may seem intimidating at first but going with a buddy will help dispel any fears. 

Many new activity classes will offer tasters session or some other form of incentive for newbies so take advantage of these to help you find the class and the environment that you feel most comfortable with and fits your schedule best.  This is the class that you are likely to go back to and therefore will offer the best chance of maintaining your commitment.

If you want to get active but have a limited budget then make use of the beautiful weather and inviting Caribbean water.  You can go for a swim, take up running or, if running seems a bit daunting, take up walking on a more regular basis.  A lively stroll and a chat with a friend is a great way to stay active, socialize and de-stress.
If you are thinking about relocating to Cayman contact us at SteppingStones, the number one recruitment consultancy in Cayman.

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