Monday, 18 February 2013

I'm in the mood for........happiness!

The start of the year is traditionally the time when we look to make improvements in our lives towards better health and happiness.  I have just read an interesting article by Simon Reynolds who suggests that taking responsibility for and take control of our moods is key.

Reynolds notes that happiness is not just dependent on events that occur in our lives but in fact it is our reaction to those events that dictates our mood.   "If you choose to shrug your shoulders and brush off adversity, then bad things won't hurt you much." says Reynolds.  "If you become a drama queen and take bad stuff personally, regular stress and misery will be your companions."  He suggests practicing a simple daily ritual to create positive expectation which will help improve our mood and ultimately our happiness.  To find out more, read his full article.

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1 comment:

  1. Great blog and the details about happiness is really interesting. It is necessary.

    how to chase happiness
