Saturday 23 June 2012

Candidate feedback - there's an app for that!

Michelle recently gave a presentation on Recruitment & Selection to undergraduate students at ICCI, and in her lecture she discussed current trends in the industry. One of the trends that she touched upon was the "candidate experience." This term has been thrown around the industry in recent years, but there is still some ambiguity around it. 

The "candidate experience" is essentially treating all applicants positively and responding to all applications regardless of the volume you receive. This ensures that your applicants are coming away feeling valued (even if their application wasn't successful) and they are more likely to come back again in the future and/or refer other applicants to you. 

I recently came across an article on that introduces a new piece of software that was created to encourage and promote the candidate experience - it's called Mystery Applicant.

According to the article... 
Mystery Applicant is a software-as-a-service based application, which surveys candidates whether they have been accepted or rejected for a job. The founder is Nick Price, who in the past has worked in the research teams of TMP Worldwide and ThirtyThree and who has considerable experience of employer branding projects. He told Recruiter that the company is aiming to capture the spirit of the “feedback society” in which we currently live. “People have perhaps voiced opinions through Facebook or another social channel, but there hasn’t been a structured method for giving feedback directly to an employer,” said Price. “A lot of people have been talking about improving the candidate experience for a long time and now we can actually measure it.”

Click here to read more about this new software.

What do you think about the "candidate experience", and would you use an app like this one? 

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