Wednesday 27 June 2012

Nearly 50% of Executives think that Social Media is Good for the Workplace

When social media first appeared it was meant purely for social purposes - keeping in touch with friends, sharing stories and interests, etc. It then evolved to mix in a bit of business, and became a networking tool. At first, many businesses shied away from it and weren't quite sure how to utilize it properly and also prohibited their employees from using it at work, whereas now, many businesses are using it for branding and expanding their professional networks, as well as embracing it with their employees. 

Oddly enough, a recent survey has shown that it's the executives who support social media for the workplace, and not the employees! 

I recently stumbled on an article posted on Mashable Business that read "More executives than employees think social media has a positive impact on workplace culture.
While 45% of executives believe social media is good for their companies’ culture, only 27% of employees agree, finds a recent survey by Deloitte.
Executives think social media has a positive impact because it allows managers to be more transparent (38%), helps build and maintain relationships among colleagues (46%), helps build company culture (41%), and fosters a feeling of connection to the company and its leadership (37%)." 
What do you think about social media and the workplace? Does it improve company culture? 

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