Tuesday 26 June 2012

Myth or Fact: You are More Productive Away from the Office.

Telework has become a big trend and hot topic in the business world in recent years, and while there are a lot of companies who have adopted this practice into their organizations, there are still a good few who don't support it. 

Telework describes employees who work remotely - whether that means they are working in a home office or at the corner coffee shop. Most of our business these days is done via email or phone, and with VPN's and online databases, it is not unreasonable to say that most of our work could be done remotely. 

The question is: are you more productive working remotely, without the distractions of your colleagues? Or are you more likely to slack off without the boss right around the corner? 

Most people would think that the lack of immediate physical supervision would cause most people to slack off, or be distracted by household chores, for example. However, interestingly enough, most studies show the opposite. 

In a recent Telework survey conducted by Microsoft, among 3,600 employees in 36 cities in the USA,  they found that "Sixty percent of respondents say they are actually more productive and efficient when working remotely. With less time spent commuting and fewer cubicle 'drive bys' causing distractions, respondents say, more time can be spent on the task in front of them." - source.

Despite this, only 41% of the respondents said that their companies have adopted and established teleworking policies and practices. 

In my last position, I was given the option to work from home if I wanted to, except on days when I had client meetings. Even though this option was given to me, I think I only worked from home once or twice in a year, and those days were during the Canadian winter when my car door was frozen shut and it made more sense to stay put. This was because I crave social interaction and actually enjoyed the routine of getting up early and going into the office. However, I did find that the days I worked remotely were just as productive as the days I was in the office, if not more. 

In a place like Cayman where our commutes are never really very long, is it worth it to explore the option of Telework? If you were given the option, would you choose the office or the comfort of your own home? 


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