Wednesday 13 June 2012

Promoting Fitness at Work

In a previous post we talked about added perks at work such as working from home or bringing your dog in with you. But what about a fitness allowance? A couple of friends back home in Canada mentioned that they get a fitness "allowance" (a monetary value) to use towards a gym membership, yoga classes, new trainers, etc. They can use their annual allowance to pay for anything fitness-related. I also recently stumbled across an article on that outlined 10 reasons why you should encourage fitness in the work place, so I wanted to share this with you. 

The article and above video explain that fit employees are: 

  1. Less likely to get sick
  2. More energy
  3. More self-confidence
  4. Inspire confidence in colleagues
  5. Take on more leadership roles 
  6. Set and achieve goals
  7. Have better attitudes
  8. Less stressed 
  9. And this initiative can present excellent team-building opportunities 
  10. It also demonstrates a concern for employee's well-being - very important! 
All of the above results will improve employee morale and happiness as well - which will in turn increase their performance and reduce turnover, and these are extremely important when it comes to your business. In my opinion, the ROI is well worth it. 

Click here to read the rest of the article. 

Does your company currently have a fitness-related perk or initiative? If not, would you like to see one or would you prefer a different perk? 

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