Wednesday 4 July 2012

Summer is the stuff of dreams!

It’s the summer holidays and it is time to take a break! Ahhhhh I hear you sigh out in relief! But how can your well earned vacation become something that enhances your professional life rather than bringing it to a stop for 2 weeks? I think there are 3 main tips and they’re simple but they are definitely effective……
Prepare for your holidays: take the time to ensure that everything is totally under control and up to speed at work. Write good handover notes to assist your colleagues, ensure your filing system is comprehensive and up to date and clear your inbox as much as you can before you step out of the office. It will make it a whole lot easier to come back to.
Don’t schedule a horrible day for your first day back after vacation: no back to back meetings, no reports that have to be submitted that day, and no schmoozy lunches or dinners. Ease yourself back in at a reasonable pace, get on top of everything first and then book those meetings in.
Bring your vacation back with you: I don’t mean souvenirs (although there is nothing wrong in that!), I mean the feeling that your break away has given you. A positive refreshed attitude is going to give you the drive and energy you want and need to perform your absolute best at work.
So book that holiday today! And let us know where you will be visiting and your top holiday preparation tips?

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