Monday 24 September 2012

Monday magic

It is a universal concept that everyone hates Mondays. The excitement of the weekend has gone, the week is stretching ahead of you and you can’t even dare to talk about the next weekend until at least Wednesday. But why do these things have to be a negative? Surely having a whole week ahead of you should be a nice thing; it can be full of opportunities, productivity, and perhaps even some fun!
So how can we inject some magic into our Mondays? An article that I read recently has come up with some top tips to beat those Monday blues:
·         Don’t live for the weekends – enjoy every day!
·         Relax – take time over your weekend to properly recharge so you feel refreshed come Monday morning
·         Don’t sleep in – try to stick to your routine
·         Plan ahead on Sunday night – think about what you’re wearing, what you need to take for lunch, and what you need to do when you get to work
·         Have an early night on Sunday – it’s amazing how good you can feel after 8 hours sleep
·         Don’t skip breakfast – kick start your metabolism and your day
·         Listen to music while you’re getting ready for work – a little dancing can definitely boost your mood
·         Start the day off with some exercise – release those endorphins and seize the day
·         Dress to impress – look good, feel good!
·         Smile!
·         Give yourself a Monday treat (chocolate always helps)
·         Take small breaks throughout the day
·         Think about why Monday is not a good day…..and fix it!

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