Monday 8 October 2012

Are you seeing pink? You should be!

For anyone who doesn't know, October is breast cancer awareness month.  On Friday 12th October, Camana Bay, is supporting of the Lions Club of Tropical Gardens' breast cancer awareness campaign.  Live music will be playing and there will be special store discounts to enjoy.  The first 100 people to arrive in pink will receive a complimentary glass of pink champagne and all who donate CI$5 or more will be enteres into a raffle.

SteppingStones is also supporting this awareness raising campaign and have invited all their staff to wear something pink to work on Friday.  Those who want to join in should send in a photograph of themselves wearing pink at their workplace and in return, SteppingStones will make a donation on their behalf.  The more staff that take part, the larger the donation.

We hope to see you all looking 'tickled pink' at the office on Friday and don't forget to head down to Camana Bay after work to join in the fun and the fundraising.

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