Friday 5 October 2012

Preparation, Opportunity, and a little bit of Luck

Until yesterday when I read this article, I had absolutely no idea what a Purple Squirrel was. Now I have been educated, I am using the phrase at any opportunity I can! Luckily for me this has been fairly frequent as we have had a flurry of superstar candidates. However, not every week ends on such a positive note, but the key to skipping in to your weekend with a smile on your face is to keep your positive attitude.  
Jeff Battinus (seasoned recruiter and author of the article referenced), states that lucky people put themselves in positions that produce positive results. He refers to the saying “luck is when preparation meets opportunity”. In other words, seize the day, take opportunities and turn them into results. And always keep your eye out for those Purple Squirrels!  
For all of our latest opportunities please visit our website:  

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