Monday 1 October 2012

Be Informed - sponsored by SteppingStones

Wednesday 26th September saw an impressive sized audience gather at The Chamber of Commerce conference room in Governors Square, Grand Cayman, for September’s 'Be Informed' presentation. The session was held by Dr Russell Richardson, Deputy Information Commissioner, to allow Chamber members to learn all about the proposed Data Protection draft bill, something that is hoping to be passed in early 2013.

As proud sponsors of the 'Be Informed' series Milly Serpell was honored to give the vote of thanks following on from Dr Richardson’s thought-provoking presentation. In attendance was also David Kirkaldy, President of the Chamber of Commerce.

For more information on the Chamber of Commerce and the upcoming 'Be Informed' series, please click here.

To find out about the new opportunities that SteppingStones has available please visit our website:  

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